Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Addiction

I've never had a bad comment on my writing before. Even after the comment "Oh Dear- another vampire novel", the writer sent me a message saying that she meant that different than it sounded. My next and last 'bad' comment was "Cedric sitting at a table with a group, crooked smile, god-like features.... sorry to say, but it kinda reminded me of Twilight..." I get this. It's true that the similarities in some ways are comparable (like they are both vampire novels...), but the story itself is completely different.

After I asked her for some helpful suggestions on how she thought I could make it better, she then messaged me with, "I noted those points only to let you know that Twilight fans would feel those similiarities :) am not a huge fan of Twilight saga either (i feel its very poorly written)... I liked your book better and so backed it :) (i shud ve explained my pov in my comment) am not a huge of online reading, but i will read more, i promise :)". Why she couldn't have said this on the actual comment so that everyone who read it didn't automatically turn away, I'm not sure.

Authonomy is a rigourous unfair competition. Unfortunately, I'm addicted. Don't get me wrong, I love getting all and any kind of comments, even if I get ones that completely bash my writing because I appreciate the honesty. Still, after all this time I can't help but to keep logging in to check that rating and see if I have anything new. If I could do nothing but write all day and night I would be happy. Is that weird or just passionate? I may be addicted to cigarettes more than authonomy but the comparison is still a valid argument, so what's a writer to do besides push the agents and publishers?

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