Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Regretful Historian

(New cover by the amazing Bradley Wind :] )

I got a comment today referencing a book called The Historian today. I've never read it, but I recognised the name from another comment as well. The first comment I got was stating that my book was a relief because it didn't "get lost in detail, like say, The Historian". The more recent comment said that My Last Notes was just as epic as The Historian. I know it's all opinion so I may have to check this book out myself. I hate reading books similar to my own, only because I don't want the story in my head to get mixed with a similar one, otherwise it would sound like I'm writing about the same old thing when in reality it was my idea first! (that's me holding a bit of a grudge against the writer of Twilight, although her books aren't horrible, the last one was a bit odd and the writing could have been a little better. I was still crushed when I saw the preview for the movie on TV after I had started my idea seven years prior... that's my own stupidity for not writing it all down like I should have been!)

Which comes to my next thought- my one and only regret I've ever had in my life. No, it's not that I had a beautiful baby before I was married or the fact that I "did it" (as my mom's old pastor would say) for the first time with a guy I had been with for THREE YEARS. (still a little angry about all that) No, it all happened when I was much younger. I was maybe about twelve or so. I prayed as hard as I could to that higher power in the sky watching over all of us and asked for a dream. I wanted a story- one story that would be a bestseller and one that had all the elements in it. And so it was. My dream had mystery, suspense, horror, love, anything and everything you could imagine and it was a perfect story that no one had thought of. Unfortunately when I woke up again that's all I could remember about it because I thought it was so perfect there was no way I could forget. That is undoubtably my luck.

For my conclusion, I will write this piece of advice- write everything and anything down that pops into your head, even if it doesn't have a story to it yet and it's only a scene or a phrase. Great writing isn't hard to achieve, it's only harder when you can't remember that tiny piece that made it fit together.


  1. Re: forgetting stories - empathy! Whenever I fall asleep reading (quite a lot) I tend to dream that I carry on reading, and sometimes the book becomes quite rivetting. But by the time I wake up (inevitably irritated that the book is, in fact, still unread) I can never remember what happened. Grr.

  2. haha! That is absolutely the worst. Then you pick up the book again and think "wait I read this; I remember that" oh man. The worst!
