Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Introduction

Okay, so I'm really starting this to maybe get my name and/or books out there in the world. I'm working with other Authonomy writers in competition to be in the top five on Harper Collins website by the end of the month, or rather any month. Currently my stats aren't horrible but they aren't the top five. Any other writer will tell you how difficult it is to get published and how many strenuous years and countless waisted hours you spend editing and going over in your mind to make it "worthy", when in my opinion there are some unpublished authors out there who write just as well, if not better, that ones who are published.

Honestly whats the point of literary agents too? I mean, no offense to any of them, they are wonderful, but I don't understand why most publishers require for you to hire one. It's frustrating.

Any way, here's a little bit about me :) I'm finally getting married this July to my fiance Jeremy, and we have a beautiful one year old little girl named Savvy. I work full time in a real estate law firm (not exactly my dream but it does pay the bills) and write after savvy goes to bed. Writing is my passion (I write mostly fiction) and my dream. Hopefully anyone who reads what I write is inspired and taken into another world.

That's all for now, thanks for reading :)


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