Monday, July 26, 2010

The Highlights of the Game

A lot has happened for me the past few... how long has it been since I've updated? Here's the highlights (Get it? Highlights of the game of life!) :

My Last Notes is rated #2 best vampire book on Authonomy!! Number one, watch out, here I come!

I've been fired from my day job merely weeks after I turned down an offer for another job (my current boss gave me a raise to stay) just because he decided he wanted to close down the office and not work anymore.

I'm officially Mrs. Brittany Engstrand. Recorded in the Clerk's Office and all. Woo hoo!

Now that I'm jobless, I'll have time to go do the official name changing paperwork as well as complete all my writing and editing that's been in my head and not yet on paper.

Realization: It's been too hot to do anything outside lately. Truth: I have no life.

I think I've figured out the basis of the romance part of Melaney and the Mirror, meaning I can get back to writing. Artemis (yes, I named the writer in my brain) and myself have a love/hate relationship. I hate that when I write I start out with no idea where I'm headed with the subject.

Well, that should be about all I think. Cheers for now!

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